CFP Construction Inc.

Cole's The Original French Dip

Job Description

Coles is a 100 year old restaurant in the basement of a high rise in downtown LA. After being in working order for over a century the kitchen was ready for a total overhaul. Because the restaurant is on the Historic Building List, every adjustment, remodel, demolition and installation had to be executed with care and precision. Every decision made by Pieper Construction, Ricki Kline or George Kelly Architects was made under watchful eyes.

The team was able to carefully restore the entire bar and dining area without affecting any of the 100 year old artifacts. All modifications were carefully carried out to retain the old fashioned feeling and grandeur of the place. Pieper Construction worked diligently to ensure that the ambiance of the restaurant was not altered, and all of the original décor was retained. The kitchen was completely demolished and reinstalled with brand new appliances as well as smoke evacs systems and HVAC throughout. This project was awarded the LA Conservancy Award for Remodeling of a Historic Landmark.